Welcome to the blog, where you'll see my most recent work, planning tips, and a peek into my personal life!
I AM SO BEYOND EXCITED TO BE BLOGGING THE FIRST OF WHAT I’M SURE WILL BE MANY, MANY 2018 ENGAGEMENT SESSIONS! I’ve obviously been blogging semi-consistently over the past few months, but it is always the best feeling when I’m in wedding season and can share work almost immediately after it has been delivered to […]
SEEING AS TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF 2018, IT SEEMS ONLY FITTING TO SHARE THIS CHAMPAGNE FILLED ONTARIO ENGAGEMENT SESSION ON THE BLOG TODAY! Olivia and Marco actually got engaged during their Christmas holidays exactly one year ago, when Marco swept them away on a “holiday break” in Toronto. They spent their little getaway […]
I AM SO BEYOND EXCITED TO SHARE THIS SCOTSDALE FARM ENGAGEMENT SESSION WITH YOU ALL TODAY! Since photographing our own family session at Scotsdale Farm last year, this sweet little hidden gem has become one of my absolute favourite places to photograph engagement sessions. It is one of those places that really comes to life […]